The ManySecured Project focusing on Cognitive Security applied to Gateways and IoT devices, hosted a lively and interactive in person event at the Caledonian Club in London on the 17th of May.
The ManySecured workshop was for stakeholders who have interests in future connected-product cybersecurity – specifically router technology and standards.
Experts from the project team were presenting and running demonstrations of the technology on the day showing the results of the last two years of innovative work on the project.
Key audiences include ISP’s, IT Router and Connected-Device Manufacturers, Semiconductor Vendors, Internet Equipment Specifiers and Security Professionals.
Issues for discussion: There are millions of unsecured IoT devices connecting to insecure gateways and routers in your home, and business. This means there are many vulnerabilities creating significant risk.
By defining data sharing standards, APIs and best practice, ManySecured provides the tools to protect, detect and respond to security threats, at scale.
Speakers: Nick Allott, CEO of nquiringMinds, presented an overview of the concepts behind the project including a remarkably interesting set of parallels drawn between human and machine learning as applied to ManySecured. He then explored the details of how the ManySecured system works together with the APIs and protocols including the D3 (Distributed Device Descriptor) Language used to describe the behaviour of devices on the network.
Dr. Steve Moyle presented “Advanced analytics techniques for IOT security analysis” showing how to identify IoT-like devices from Network Monitoring data using ML/AI techniques to characterise behaviours of IoT devices.
In the afternoon sessions the focus was more on how to use the ManySecured open source prototype available as an output of the project. Attendees were able to connect to some working ManySecured routers, see the management interface and the information generated before the day concluded with a final discussion, Q & A and feedback session.
Videos of the presentations and the presentation files are available on the IoTSF YouTube channel and the ManySecured website.
Join the ManySecured SIG and help drive the future of Collaborative and Cognitive Security for IoT.