Terms and Conditions
Page Summary
Collection use and sharing of Personal Data
The Company, as data controller (as defined in the DP Laws), may collect and process Personal Data relating to the officers, employees, contractors and agents. The Company may use the Personal Data as in accordance with its Privacy Policy as updated from time to time. The Company’s Privacy Policy is available on its website at https://www.techworks.org.uk/privacy-policy
Data Protection Number Z9145862
- Parties who wish to apply for membership may do so, by request, submitting the necessary information to support theapplication. If membership is declined for any reason, we will explain the reasons why.
- Membership fees are based on organisational headcount.
- Membership is non-transferrable and runs for one year from the date of acceptance of the application.
- Renewal notices are issued automatically, and fees are due at the anniversary date.
- Fees are reviewed annually and updated from time to time as necessary to ensure provision of services. Any changes will be notified to members.
- Members are required to inform of organisational headcount at the point of application and any changes thatsubsequently take place so fees can be correctly levied. This may be done just prior to the point of renewal.
- We are committed to providing a valuable service to your organisation, wider industry and society. Should yourorganisation not wish to renew membership at the anniversary date, you may notify us of cancellation within 30 daysof the renewal invoice.
- The Company is not obliged to re-new Membership if the applicant/renewing party has not complied with the Termsand Conditions of Membership OR renewing party has not paid all outstanding debts in full which may have arisen atany time and which may be owed to the Company in respect of any matter.
- All fees are payable in £ (British pound), per annum, and exclusive of applicable sales taxes.
- Applicant acknowledges and agrees that, by returning this application form, and when accepted, it constitutes abinding contract and the applicant pledges their commitment to support the membership mission and to pay theapplicable annual fees.
Appropriate Business Practices
The membership network was founded on principles of collaboration and mutual trust. To support this, everymember is encouraged to deal fairly with other members, customers, suppliers, competitors, business partnersand their employees.
Members agree to abide by rules of fair competition and applicable anti-trust laws. No member should takeadvantage of others through manipulation, concealment, abuse of privileged information, misrepresentation ofmaterial facts or any other unfair dealing practice.
ManySecured Needs You
Help us build an Industry wide, open-source database of IoT device network characteristics We aim to improve the resilience of customer and national networks by deploying ManySecured in Routers and Gateways If you would like to learn more, or are interested in joining us, please contact us