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ManySecured WG Online Meeting
November 26, 2024 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
- Update on NIST Trusted Onboarding project
- Review of the authorisation/assurance use case Extension : widening the networks in scope. Interested in any feedback on perceived importance and technical methods of collecting policy evidence for :
- 5G
- LoraWAN
- Satellite
3. PSTI discussion
- What is the current best practice for supplying PSTI evidence?
- What does an ideal system look like?
- How do we formally establish applicability? (How do we know which devices (device families) are covered by which PSTI statement?
Slack invite: https://join.slack.com/t/manysecured/shared_invite/zt-1t1f6j582-y1Lvi0aEoItd2_EtvuGVCA
Please contact James Willison for log in details : [email protected]