Is your home or small business built on strong foundations? Think again…
Did you know that the standard router relied upon in homes and by thousands of small businesses is the most frequently attacked IoT device?
Did you know that the standard router relied upon in homes and by thousands of small businesses is the most frequently attacked IoT device?
The ManySecured Workshop was a lively and interactive, in person, event at the Caledonian Club in London on the 17th of May.
The ManySecured Project focuses on Cognitive Security applied to Gateways and IoT devices
What are your IoT devices doing in your home? – Our manysecured project highlights that webcams, Alexas and lighting systems are connected to your router.
The Internet of Things Security Foundation (IoTSF) and ManySecured Special Interest Group (SIG) is working to outline high level solutions to a design flaw/problem that creates router and IoT vulnerabilities.
Highlights a fundamental design flaw that has received little attention to date and yet affects many IoT devices and standard Internet routers and outlines potential solutions.
We examine in detail what a shared description of device types looks like; look at interoperable mechanisms for IoT network monitoring and control and demonstrate how we bring these capabilities together to provide scalable methods of active defence, which embraces both new business models and fully integrated AI systems.
Presentation about the Internet of Things Security Foundation ManySecured CERTIFIED Router and Gateway Scheme. Cyber security requirements for Routers and IoT Gateways
This Whitepaper seeks to raise awareness of a fundamental design flaw that has received little attention to date and yet affects many IoT devices and standard Internet routers.
An update on the ManySecured IoT Gateway project given at the IoT Security Foundation Plenary on 16th June 2021
The IoT Security FoundationSpecial Interest Group (IoTSF SIG) have published a ‘Problem Statement’ document for Secure Usable Browser Connections for Intranet Scenarios.
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